Learning, Motivation, and Theory

How would the learning be designed differently by a behaviorist, a cognitivist, and a constructivist? Scenario: A high school social study teacher is planning a class on climate change. A behaviorist:1.Students need to preview, ready to do the study of climate change. If students are not prepared before class, then the understanding of concepts will […]

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The theme of our learning pod selection is affordable housing, I am going to play this video for the learners to watch at the beginning of the study. This video introduces the basics of affordable housing with a simple animation.The interactive method provided by this video is ‘reflective’, without any overt actions. What kind of interaction […]

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[PROMPT] Learning Design II

Behaviorism is a theory of learning which states behaviors are learned through interaction with the environment through a process called conditioning. This approach to learning is based on the idea that learners respond to stimuli in their environment so that the learner responds to and gains the required knowledge or experience(Mcleod, 2020). In 1927, Ivan […]

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Inclusive Design

Post Ideas: How can you adjust your planned learning activities to meet the needs of your learners if an unexpected event occurs? (for example, a pandemic arises and many of your employees must now work from home – how will you ensure that they can still do their jobs? What training will they need, and […]

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Hello, everyone, My name is Jiayu Sheng, I’m a 4th year economic student at UVIC. I come from Beijing, China. I often read novels, play computer games, and play with my cat in my spare time. My cat’s name is Poppy. it’s a cute long-haired cat, but it’s a bit fat, and I’m helping it […]

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Test Learning Design Post

This post  will appear in a few places: in the blog feed on the front of your website in the Learning Design menu on your website. This is because we have applied the “edci335” category to this post and the menu item “Learning Design” has been created from the category “edci335.” For every post you […]

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